Use Oracle Application Express with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure REST APIs to upload, download, and manage big files in Oracle Cloud. By Adrian Png November 27, 2019 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides a comprehensive suite of REST APIs for accessing and managing cloud resources. For example, administrators can use REST APIs to create and manage autonomous databases and initiate backups. Oracle Application Express (Oracle APEX) makes working with REST easy. The APEX_WEB_SERVICE package, available since Oracle APEX 4.0, provides developers with a function for consuming REST APIs. Oracle APEX 5.0 introduced the APEX_JSON package, allowing easy parsing of JSON responses. Oracle APEX 18.1 introduced the Web Source Module (WSM), which enables developers to access REST services and use the data in APEX components such as reports, interactive reports, and interactive grids. These features, when used together with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure REST APIs, enable APEX developers