
Showing posts from June, 2023

Redis Data Store

  Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, or message broker. It is known for its fast performance and versatility. Here are some key points about Redis: In-Memory Data Store: Redis stores data primarily in memory, which allows for extremely fast read and write operations. It can persist data to disk if needed, providing durability and persistence. Data Structure Store: Redis supports a variety of data structures such as strings, lists, sets, sorted sets, hashes, and more. Each data type has its own set of commands for manipulation and retrieval. Key-Value Store: Redis follows a key-value model where data is stored and accessed using unique keys. Keys can be strings, and values can be any of the supported data structures. High Performance: Redis is designed to be extremely fast due to its in-memory nature. It achieves high throughput and low latency, making it suitable for use cases where speed is crucial. Pub/Sub Messaging: Redis s

GCP preparation

  Prerequisites :- This exam is not designed for beginners. To be successful, you must first obtain the  Associate Cloud Engineer Certification . You can find more information on how to prepare for this exam in the following  article . Also it would be great if you have prior knowledge or hands on experience with migration. About the PCA exam :- Length:  2 hours Exam format:  50–60 multiple choice and multiple select questions Case studies:  Each exam includes 2 case studies that describe fictitious business and solution concepts. Case study questions make up 20–30% of the exam and assess your ability to apply your knowledge to a realistic business situation. You can view the case studies on a split screen during the exam. See the  Exam Guide  for the 4 available case studies. Important Topics :- These are some of the topics that I faced during my exam and a lot of questions were challenging. Google Kubernetes Engine  ( Binary Authorization, NodePool upgrade, Anthos) IAM  ( Multiple qu