Tuesday, August 24, 2021

5 important must-know APIs for all web developers

 1. The NASA APIs

The objective of this site is to make NASA data, including imagery, eminently accessible to application developers These APIs give you access to different types of data about astronomy, space, weather, and much more. api.nasa.gov

2. Response Voice API This API allows transforming any text into speech. Some of the features include changing the speaker's accent, gender, language, and volume.


3. The MovieDB API This API gives you all the data you need to create a movie app. Its features include fetching data about movies, actors, images, TV shows, and much more. themoviedb.org/documentation/

4. The MealDB API This API allows access to random meal data and recipes. It provides data about the ingredients of the meal, images. categories, meal videos, and much more themealdb.com/api.php

5. Frankfurter This is an API that allows you to get currency data and track available exchange rates. The API is free and it does not require an API key.


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