Machine Learning Projects for Beginners
Before moving to the complex projects in the next section, I advise you to explore these beginner-level projects if you are new to Machine Learning. You only need knowledge of Python libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Malpotlib, Seaborn and Scikit-Learn to understand and work on the projects below:
- WhatsApp Chats Analysis
- Covid-19 Vaccine Analysis
- Student Grades Prediction Model
- Uber Trips Analysis
- Google Search Analysis
- Tesla Stock Price Prediction Model
- Financial Budget Analysis
- Click-Through Rate Prediction Model
- Interactive Language Translator
- Language Detection
- Create a Chatbot with Python
- Best Streaming Service Analysis
- Stock Price Prediction
- Data Science Project on President Heights
- Data Science Project on Birth Rate Analysis
- Data Science Project on Time Series
- Data Science Project on Area and Population
- A Complete Machine Learning Project Walkthrough
- Text Summarization
- Keyword Extraction
Advanced Machine Learning Projects
Now, these are the projects where you will deal with real-time problems. You need to have some knowledge of Python libraries like Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Keras, and Pytorch to understand and work on the projects below:
- End-to-end Machine Learning Project
- Profit Prediction Model
- Automatic Time Series Forecasting
- Ted-Talks Recommendation System
- Real-time Sentiment Analysis
- Amazon Recommendation System
- Mobile Price Classification
- Spotify Recommendation System
- Text Emotions Detection
- Hotel Recommendation System
- Bankruptcy Prediction Model
- Customer Personality Analysis
- Instagram Algorithm
- Diamond Price Prediction Model
- Book Recommendation System
- Netflix Data Analysis
- Satellite Imagery Analysis
- Topic Modelling
- Covid-19 Vaccine Sentiment Analysis
- Human Activity Recognition Model
- Cohort Analysis
- End to end Machine Learning Project
- Life Expectancy Analysis
- Bitcoin Price Prediction
- Human Resource Analysis
- Energy Consumption Prediction
- LightGBM Model
- FastAI Model
- House Price Prediction
- Real-Time Face Mask Detection
- Netflix Recommendation System
- Named Entity Recognition
- Number Plate Detection
- IPL Analysis with Python
- Gold Price Prediction
- Object Detection
- Highest-Paid Athletes Analysis
- Text Generation
- Spelling Correction with Python
- Income Classification
- Customer Churn Prediction
- Language Translation Model
- Resume Screening
- Sign Language Classification
- Online Shopping Intention Analysis
- Network Graph Analysis
- Keyword Extraction
- Amazon Best Selling Books Analysis
- Covid-19 Cases Prediction for Next 30 Days
- YouTube Trending Videos Analysis
- Gender Classification
- Flower Recognition
- Pneumonia Detection
- Employee Attrition Prediction
- Hand Gesture Recognition
- Restaurant Recommendation System
- Face mask Detection
- Market Basket Analysis using Apriori Algorithm
- Breast Cancer Detection
- Earthquake Prediction Model
- Outlier Detection
- Heart Disease Prediction
- Plastic Users Analysis
- Landmark Detection
- Chatbot with Machine Learning
- Next Word Prediction Model
- Age and Gender Detection with Python
- Autocorrect Keyboard with Python and Machine Learning.
- Machine Learning in 5 lines of code.
- Deepfake Detection with Machine Learning.
- Predict US Elections with Python.
- Fake Currency Detection with Machine Learning.
- Predict Tinder Matches with Machine Learning.
- Image Segmentation
- Title Generator with Python.
- Build Google Search Algorithm with Python.
- Face Landmarks Detection
- Pencil Sketch with Python.
- OpenAI Gym in Machine Learning
- Machine Translation Model
- Covid 19 Analysis.
- Build the TikTok Algorithm with Machine Learning.
- Analyze ILP Matches.
- Barcode and QR code Reader with Python
- Extract Text From PDF with Python.
- Predict IPL Winner 2020.
- Predict Car Prices.
- Analyze Call Records.
- Create an API with Python.
- Send Custom Emails with Python.
- Colour Recognition with Machine Learning.
- Create a 3D Video Animation.
- Graph Algorithms in Machine Learning.
- Image Features Extraction.
- Rainfall Prediction with Machine Learning.
- Classify Nationalities with Machine Learning.
- Fraud Detection with Machine Learning.
- Topic Modeling with Python
- Named Entity Recognition
- WhatsApp Group Chat Analysis
- Translate Languages Using Python
- Network Security Analysis
- Bar Chart Race with Python
- Keyword Research with Python
- Fashion Recommendation System
- Face Detection with Python
- Emotion Detection Model
- Telegram Bot with Python
- Handwriting Recognition
- Visualize a Solar System with Python.
- Hate Speech Detection Model
- Build Instagram Filters with Python.
- Contact Tracing with Machine Learning
- Deploy a Chatbot with Python into a Web Application
- Summarize Text with Machine Learning
- Language Classification with Machine Learning.
- OTP Verification GUI with Python
- Create an Audiobook with Python
- Titanic Survival Analysis
- Image Recognition with PyTorch
- Gender Classification Model
- Daily Births Forecasting
- Binary Search Algorithm
- Galaxy Classification with Machine Learning
- Time Series with LSTM Model
- Image Classification with TensorFlow
- Predict Weather with Machine Learning
- Create a Package with Python
- Computer Vision with Python
- Diamonds Analysis with Python
- Text Classification with TensorFlow
- Image Segmentation with Python
- Ridge and Lasso Regression
- Predict Fuel Efficiency
- ABC Analysis with Python
- Lung Segmentation with Machine Learning
- RFM Analysis with Python
- Build Neural Network with Python Code
- Genetic Algorithm with Python
- Predict Migration with Machine Learning
- Analyze Healthcare Data
- NLP For Other Languages
- Data Science Project on Text and Annotations
- Data Science Project on — Handwritten Digits
- Data Science Project on- Support Vector Machines
- Data Science Project — Stock Price Prediction with Machine Learning
- Data Science Project on — Classification of Text
- Data Science Project on-Extracting HOG Features
- Data Science Project on — Amazon Products Reviews Sentiment Analysis with Machine Learning
- Data Science Project — Email spam Detection with Machine Learning
- Data Science Project — Heart Disease Prediction with Machine Learning
- Data Science Project — Movie Recommendation System
- Data Science Project — Student Performance Analysis with Machine Learning
- Data Science Project on FIFA Analysis with python
- Data science project — Fake News Classification
- Data Science Project — DNA Sequencing with Machine Learning
- Data Science Project — Book Recommendation System with Machine Learning
- Data Science Project — Bitcoin Price Prediction with Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Project — Artificial Neural Networks
- Algorithmic Trading Strategy with Machine Learning and Python
- Movie Reviews Sentiment Analysis -Binary Classification with Machine Learning
- Data Science Project — Supermarket Sales Analysis
- Data Science Project — GDP Analysis
- Data Science Project — Predict Customer Churn with Python and Machine Learning
- Data Science Project — San Francisco Crime Analysis
- Machine Learning Project — Human Activity Recognition using Smartphone Data
- Credit Card Fraud Detection with Machine Learning
- Weather Forecasting with Machine Learning
- SMS Spam Detection with Machine Learning
- Covid-19 Detection with Machine Learning and AI
- Customer Segmentation with Machine Learning
- Employee Turnover Prediction with Machine Learning
- Predict Diabetes with Machine Learning
- Image Classification with PyTorch
- Time Series Forecasting with ARIMA Model
- Natural Language Processing on WhatsApp Chats
- Fake News Detection Model
- Image Classification with Artificial Neural Networks
- Binary Classification Model
- Data Augmentation with Deep Learning
- Next Word Prediction Model.
- Image Segmentation
- XGBoost Algorithm in Machine Learning
- Face Landmarks Detection
- Image Filtering with Machine Learning
- Audio Feature Extraction
- Machine Translation Model
- Gender Classification Model
- Create a 3D Video with Python and Machine Learning.
- Named Entity Recognition
- WhatsApp Group Chat Analysis
- Translate Languages Using Python
- Covid-19 Projects with Machine Learning
- Deep Learning Projects with Machine Learning
- Recommendation System Projects with Machine Learning
- Sentiment Analysis Projects with Machine Learning
- Classification Projects For Machine Learning
- Regression Projects for Machine Learning
- Chatbot Projects with Python
- Machine Learning Projects on Future Prediction
- Machine Learning Projects for Resume
- Best Data Science Projects for Resume
- Machine Learning Projects on Social Media Analysis
I hope you liked this article on 225 machine learning projects solved and explained by using the Python programming language. Feel free to ask your valuable questions in the comments section below.
Application is the best way to learn. There are a number of books, blogs, videos, etc. out there about Machine Learning and its applications. Being a serial consumer of such content can easily lead you to fall into the trap of thinking you’re moving closer to competence when in truth you’re not.
The secret to knowing whether you’ve understood the applied aspects of Machine Learning is simple. Implement it for yourself. If you cannot, it does not mean that you’re stupid, it simply means there are gaps in your knowledge therefore you must go back to learn.
True comprehension comes from implementing, failing, learning from the failure, and implementing again.
This is one of the many reasons experienced practitioners would advise beginners to get started on projects as soon as possible. Another justification for project work is exposure. Working on projects, as close as possible to problems being solved in the real world, will give beginners a good understanding of what it is like to work in a real-world environment.
Knowing what projects to get started with can be challenging so here are some ideas:
#1 Solving A Personal Problem
We all have problems in our lives. Facing our problems is usually a massive growth opportunity but it can be daunting due to our innate fear of failure. Being able to feel the fear and proceed is an extremely valuable skill for our own lives and we can make it fun by using our machine learning skills.
Being able to spot problems and convert them into Machine Learning problems is a skill within itself, hence why I personally favor this method overall. Solving a problem you’ve identified on your own reveals your breadth of competence since you would be engaged in a number of tasks you may not be required to do, depending on your role.
For instance, deploying and monitoring machine learning models in production may need to be part of your core competencies as an ML engineer, but building your own project would provide you with crucial insights regarding other areas within an ML models pipeline, such as Data Acquisition.
#2 Code Machine Learning Algorithms From Scratch
I remember the day my line manager asked me to talk about decision trees — not because it was useful, he was merely being curious about ML methods. To cut a long story short, I got stumped. I was talking a whole bunch of nothing and it bugged me because I was so sure I understood how a Decision tree worked after I read about it.
My greatest understanding of various Machine Learning algorithms came when I started my Algorithms From Scratch Series. The idea was to learn about each algorithm and code them up from scratch then compare my implementation to the implementation provided by Scikit-Learn to see how I performed.
This phase developed my understanding of the mechanics behind various Machine Learning models and I learned how to translate mathematical formulas into code.
The only bit of advice I have for someone embarking on this method is to try and start as simple as possible then build up. For example, start by implementing Linear Regression then extend your Linear Regression model to a Logistic Regression model.
#3 Recommendation Engines With MovieLens
YouTube, Amazon, and Netflix are all great examples of where recommendation engines have been applied to generate value for end-users. It’s not uncommon for us to expect there to be some level of personalization when we visit certain sites. Consequently, recommender systems have become extremely popular, and learning about them may be of particular interest.
MovieLens is a known dataset meaning there are many implementations online that could help if you ever get stuck. The dataset consists of 62,000 movies by 162,000 users. I’ve done some work with this dataset in the past which you could use as a starting point.
#4 Fake News Detection
Whenever I hear the words “Fake News”, I can’t help but think of Donald Trump. While I did not agree with many of his sentiments and ideologies, his hate towards fake news was somewhat justifiable.
With so many people being connected via the likes of social media, Fake News can spread like a wildfire, and it often does. Distinguishing fake news is more critical than ever hence why Facebook has already created its own fake news detector to filter such from people's news feed. Leveraging Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing, you can build your own fake news classifier to detect fake news.
#5 Boston Housing Price Prediction
The Boston House Price dataset is an extremely popular resource that has been used to benchmark algorithms. The data contains information gathered by the U.S Census service regarding housing within the Boston area. Initially, it was published by Harrison, D. and Rubinfeld, D.L. `Hedonic prices and the demand for clean air’, J. Environ. Economics & Management, vol.5, 81–102, 1978.
The price of a house depends on various factors (i.e. number of rooms, location, proximity to schools, etc). Using ML is a good way to uncover the underlying patterns and estimate the value of a property based on various features.
While working on this project, you may decide to collect some more data and extend the predictions to houses beyond Boston.
Wrap Up
I definitely believe the project ideas shared in this article are good for developing your intuition which is extremely necessary. However, when it comes to getting hired, I believe you should do slightly more if you wish to stand out. This doesn’t necessarily mean doing more projects. Instead, I would suggest focusing on doing 1 or 2 projects and doing them really well.
I’m a massive fan of Vin Vashista’s videos on YouTube. I’d definitely recommend you check out his video on Building Independent Data Science Projects That Get You Hired if you’re interested in taking your projects to the next level.
Thanks for Reading!
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